Registration for Cheer, Stunt and Tumbling classes is NOW OPEN





All Cheerology Classes are held at the MYC Gym located at 8089 NE HWY 99W McMinnville Oregon

(Inside the Bunn’s Village Complex) 

 ALL Classes, Clinics and Practices are CLOSED to spectators.

Most classes are $65.00 per month. Classes begin at the start of each month.  Drop-In Classes are available. Fees are not pro-rated for partial month attendance.








Cheer Basics and FUNdamentals

Open to grades PreK thru 6th Grad. In this class athletes will learn the basics of cheerleading. Classes will consist of chants, cheers, jumps, tumbling and stunting.

No experience necessary

Monthly Session $65 Classes once per week, held on Fridays 5:30-6:30 pm

New Classes start monthly.

Cheer Clinics
Spring and Summer Clinics

Open to grades K thru 8th. In the monthly clinic athletes will learn basic cheerleading. The clinic will consist of chants, cheers, dancing, jumps, tumbling and stunting.

No experience necessary

Monthly Clinic $40 for 3 hours, cheer bow provided.

Held once per month: March through July

3rd Saturday of each Month* 9:30am-12:30pm


*May clinic will be 4th Saturday in the month


Fall Clinic

Open to grades K thru 5th. In the fall clinic athletes will learn cheers, a dance, jumps, tumbling and stunting.  Athletes will perform with MYC at a local Middle School Football game half time.

No experience necessary

Fall Clinic $50 for 3 hour clinic, clinic T-shirt provided.

Held only in Fall. Pre-registration is required

Day announced in Fall 9:30am-12:30pm

Tumbling 1

Open to all grades. In this class athletes will learn basic cheer based tumbling drills and skills.

No experience needed. Skills taught will vary from general body control up to walkovers.

Monthly Session $65. Classes held once per week, on Fridays 6:30-7:30 pm

New Classes start monthly.

Tumbling 1.5

Open to all grades. In this class athletes will learn cheer based tumbling drills and skills to obtain or perfect their front or back walkover and prepare them to transition to back handsprings and beyond.

Athletes must be able to bridge from standing or handstand bridge.

Monthly Session $65 Classes held once per week. Fridays 6:30- 7:30 pm

New Classes start monthly

Drop In Tumbling

Open to all grades for Drop In Sessions.

You will select which class to attend:

Tumbling 1: athletes will learn basic cheer based tumbling drills and skills. Fridays 6:30-7:30 pm

Tumbling 1.5: athletes will learn skills and drills for roundoffs up to back walkovers. Athletes must be able to bridge from standing or handstand bridge. Fridays 6:30-7:30 pm

Tumbling 2: athletes will learn skills and drills for running tumbling, back handsprings and tucks. Athletes must be able to back walkover. Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm

Registration is required before first drop in class.

Each Drop In Class is $20

Drop In Cheer Basics

Open to grades K and above for Drop In Class.

In this class athletes will learn basic cheer motions and cheer skills such as tumbling, jumps, etc.

Fridays 5:30-6:30 pm

Registration is required before first drop in class.

Each class is $20

Tumbling 2

Open to all grades. In this class athletes will learn intermediate cheer based tumbling drills and skill.

Athletes are required to have a back or front walk over for this class. Skills taught will vary from perfecting the walk over up to tucks.

Monthly Session $65. Classes held, once per week on Mondays 6:30-7:30 pm

New Classes start monthly.

Tumbling Private Lessons

Learn how to become a better tumbler with tips, drills and reps during a private tumbling session.
Work one on one with our tumbling coach at your own level and progress.

1 hour – Single person $65

0.5 hour – Single person $40

1 hour – 2 person lesson $100

A Tumbling Coach will contact you directly to set up your private lesson time.

Keep up to date with MYC and Cheerology classes, practices and events