Developing life long skill and character through cheerleading in McMinnville’s youth
Experience Cheerleading. Experience Community.
At McMinnville Youth Cheer our goal is to introduce the love of cheerleading to our younger athletes. We train our cheerleaders to be ready for the McMinnville High School cheerleading program.
We pride ourselves on developing community relationships, building character, and training athletes in a fun, and safe environment where friendships are formed and our coaches encourage our athletes to work hard to achieve their goals.
We are committed to supporting our athletes and our community and partnering with other athletic programs to encourage growth and sportsmanship.
- the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
- a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.
At MYC we teach our athletes confidence in themselves and in their teammates. We want our athletes to learn how to develop skills that instill belief in themselves and trust their team.
the physical qualities that are characteristic of athletes, such as strength, fitness, and agility.
We train for mobilty, flexiblity, and form to ensure that our athletes have the best chance of reaching their goals. We impress the importance of each of these aspects primarily to ensure safety and secondarily to increase skill level.
the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.
Teamwork is an essential part of cheerleading in both the performance and seasonal experience. We strive to ensure that our athletes treat each other with repsect and kindness and know that working together is the foundation of being a cheerleader.
We embrace community by supporting McMinnville Youth Football and other middle school athletics, performing at the high school half time show and participating in a service project each year. Community is at the core of everything we do.