MYC was founded in 2013 creating a fun and safe environment for local youth to experience cheerleading.

It has since grown to be a strong foundational program that introduces our community’s youth to cheerleading and develops them into skilled athletes who are prepared for the high school level and beyond.

We provide a fun, yet challenging, atmosphere where your child can experience and learn what it means to be an athlete, a part of a team, and a part of the community.

Our athletes review all the various aspects of cheerleading such as chants, tumbling, stunts, dances, jumps, and conditioning. It is our goal that they will experience a new found confidence and community at MYC that will stick with them for years to come.




Owner and Head Coach
Mini Team and Junior Team Coach
Tumbling Coach

Stephanie found her love for cheerleading at the young age of 4 when she began cheer with Pop Warner Football in her hometown. She cheered throughout her youth and was a 4-year cheer captain in high school. Stephanie was selected as and All-State Cheerleader and represented Globe High School and the State of Arizona at the Down Under Grid Iron Exchange performing in Brisbane, Australia.

Stephanie moved to Oregon in 2000 and has been in the McMinnville area since 2007. Since moving to the area Stephanie has been involved in various youth sports programs as a coach and coordinator. Stephanie had worked in the Federal Government Security Contracting sector from 2001-2022. She currently works for Yamhill County.  She is the proud mother of two: a son and daughter, both who cheered for McMinnville High School. She has been involved with MYC as a coach since 2014 and as the Director since 2018. Stephanie loves cheer because of the opportunities it has opened to her and life long friends she has made in the sport. She enjoys sharing her love of the sport with children and young adults; helping them reach their potential through coaching. Stephanie believes cheerleading is a sport that helps develop an athlete’s abilities, leadership, and social conscience. It is a sport where athletes have to count on each other and work together to obtain a goal, creating tight bonds with coaches and teammates and life long friends.

Asst. Director,
Mini Team and Junior Team Coach
Tumbling Coach

Samantha was a Varsity Cheerleader all four years of high school in McMinnville. She successfully competed at state competitions with her team and as an individual, placing in the top three each year. Additionally, Samantha has performed at the national level with MHS Cheer. She also cheered for two years at George Fox University.

Samantha graduated from George Fox University and currently works at a local Chiropractor’s office.

Samantha has been a coach with MYC since it’s induction in 2013. Cheerleading is a passion of hers and loves that ability to share that with others. Cheerleading has helped her grow as a person and become more confident. Through coaching, she is able to share her passion and love of the sport. She enjoys watching the young athletes thrive and grow as well as share the excitement with them when all their hard work pays off.

Junior Team Coach

Esia was a McMinnville High School Cheerleader for 4 years on Varsity. Esia has also been a high school mentor for MYC and was a former MYC athelte her self. Esia began coaching for MYC in 2022.

Junior Team Coach

Madi was a McMinnville High School Varsity Cheerleader. She coaches Junior Team and Red Competition Team

Youth Team Coach

Maranda, AKA Randy cheered locally at McMinnville High School for all four years, and was captain for two.  She competed at state compettitions with her team and as an individual; finishing her senior year as a state champion. Maranda also chered at the national level for MHS. she contiuned her cheer career at Western Oregon University where she later graduated. Maranda now works at Memorial Eleentary School. She has loved watching her sister Samantha coach at MYC and is excited to now woek alongside her. Cheerleading has taught Maranda many life skills and helped her grow in confidence and self love. She s passinate in creating a safe space for the young athletes to challenge themsleves and grow.

Maranda has been an MYC coach since 2022.

Youth Team Coach

Jordan, AKA Jordie

Jordan Cheered for McMinnville High School and  has been a coach with MYC since 2021.  Jordan is a local emementary school teacher.

Rookie Team Coach


Rookie Team Coach
Cheer Basics Coach

Kristina was a Varsity McMinnville cheerleader all 4 years of high school. Kristina started her cheer career as an MYC Athlete and has now returned to coach the program she learned from. She competed and cheered all 4 years of High School, learning new techniques and improving day by day. Her team brought home National and State titles.

Kristina is currently working and attending college in addition to coaching.

Kristina is excited to coach this team because she not only can still enjoy the sport she grew up around, but can help better the future grizzly cheer team so that they have an amazing experience as much as she did!

Kristina has been a coach with MYC since 2020

Assistant Coach
Tumbling and Stunting Coach

Kylie was a McMinnville High School Varsity Cheerleader for 4 years. She began working with MYC as a High School Mentor and then as a Tumbling coach in the Cheerology Prorgram. Kylie is currently an NCA staff member and Kylie is a former MYC athlete herself.

Kylie is currently attending California Baptist University and cheering college. She enjoys working with the athelets while in the area on breaks from school and in the summer months.  in addition to coaching.

Kylie has been a coach with MYC since 2022